To all members of the Glastonbury Pilgrimage Association
Dear Friends,
Once again, I am writing to invite you to our Annual General Meeting which takes place this year on Saturday 28th October at St John’s Church, Bathwick which is located in St John’s Road, Bath BA2 6PT. There will be a Mass at 12 noon followed by a Bring-your-own Lunch. The AGM will follow this as soon as possible. I am grateful to the Rector, Father Peter Edwards, for his kindness in allowing us to gather in Bathwick and for facilitating the day.
As we look forward to the Centenary of the Glastonbury Pilgrimage next year, we find ourselves this year at a moment of change in the organisation and administration of the Pilgrimage, and I feel certain that we can look forward to new things. A number of you who attended this year’s Pilgrimage will know that I am stepping down as Chairman after serving you for the last ten years. The Bishop of Oswestry, the Rt Revd Paul Thomas, has indicated that he is very willing to be appointed Chairman should that be the wish of the AGM. I very much hope this will be the case.
At the same time, Canon Darren Smith is coming to the end of his time as Treasurer. His stewardship in this office has been exceptional and we have found ourselves in a secure financial position over these last years, although this has only been possible through the generous grants he has managed to secure from the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament and the No 1 Trust. We must acknowledge our thanks for all this. Fr Darren’s tenure has brought the additional benefit of support from the Additional Curates Society office, notably Mary Bashford who has been energetic on our behalf in terms of administration. All of this has been a great blessing to us, and I must record our thanks to them on behalf of all Pilgrims.
I very much hope that a number of you will be able to be with us this year at what will be a particularly important meeting. As I thank Council members and others for their sterling support and efforts over a number of years, I realise, too, that new people will need to come forward to ensure that preparations for next year’s Centenary Pilgrimage are set in hand. It may be that you may feel able to help the Pilgrimage in this important and practical way. Please consider this.
Our former Chairman, Mgr David Silk, died suddenly on 20th September. We shall remember him with particular thanksgiving at the altar on 28th October. May he rest in peace. We offer our sympathy and the assurance of our prayers to Fr Richard and his family.
Fraternally and with every blessing,
X Roger